De Pallio, a
by Vincent Hunink
J.C. Gieben, Amsterdam
332 p.; ISBN 90 5063 439
7; price EUR 65,-]
epideictic speech De
Pallio by the Christian author Tertullian
(about 200 A.D.) is considered as one
of the most obscure texts ever written in
Latin. As a logical sequel of my research
Apuleius, I have prepared a new edition
with translation and literary
commentary (in English) of Tertullian's text.
It has been my main research
project in the period 1998-2004. The book has
been published March 2005.
is one of the strangest and perhaps most
difficult texts ever written in Latin.
In this speech, presented before a live
audience in Carthage
200 A.D., Tertullian defends his radical
choice to drop the Roman toga and
take up the pallium
of philosophers and christians. This theme may
seem innocently simple, but it has been
elaborated with impressive rhetorical
pyrotechnics, couched in deliberately
artificial language. And is this speech
profoundly christian or shamefully pagan? A
work of youth or of old age? Is it a serious
apology or satire?
Pallio has puzzled scholars for
generations, yet it has
often been
neglected or left aside. In this new edition
the text is presented with a new
English translation and a full commentary, the
first one in English. Much
attention is paid to the interpretation of the
speaker’s often obscure words.
In addition, the book puts the speech into the
context of Latin Second
Sophistic. De Pallio emerges as a
text that stands midway between
non-christian and christian literature.
practical information about De Pallio
see the
page on the excellent site on Tertullian by
Dr. Roger Pearse.
Fifteen years
after its publication as a book, the full text
of the 2005
edition has been scanned and put online,
for free use by readers and researchers.
Pallio [18,2 Mb]
Please add a proper bibliographical reference
if you use any of this material in a new
Mayer in BMCR
Savon in L'Antiquité classique
in Revue des études augustiniennes et
P. Kitzler in Listy
C. Moreschini in
Mayer in BMCR
There is a
detailed review by Roland
Mayer, in BMCR 2006.01.39, available
online at BMCR. Having provided
long lists of specific points of
textual criticism, historical detail and
linguistical aspects, the reviewer sums
up his judgement as follows: "It will be
gathered from what has been
written above that this commentary often
leaves the reader in the lurch, by
inadequate or misleading discussion. Hunink
has a solid track record as a
commentator on out-of-the-way literary works,
which nonetheless deserve
attention, and I approached this book with
high expectations. On balance,
however, I now deem it to be a missed
reaction to the review (January, 23th,
It is always disappointing to receive less
favourable reviews of one's work. In
this case, I feel my work has been rather hard
done by. Most importantly, the reviewer
has taken the book for what it explicitly does
not wish to be: a
contribution to the textual constitution of De
Pallio. Mayer's long
discussion on textual notes ignores my basic
position of not discussing these
matters, complex as they are (extensive
discussion of textual issues would have
made it impossible to write a readible book
about this speech). I deliberately
started from the modern edition of the text in
the well known Corpus
Christianorum. That is surely a text
with which one seems to be entitled to
work and which stands in need of further
explanation in the form of a
commentary. If all that philology can achieve
is to rediscuss every textual
decision over and over again (and in the case
of De Pallio this process
would definitely be endless), no progress will
ever be made.
Mayer also deals at
some length with numerous
historical and linguistical issues. Although I
do consider it to be my task as a
commentator to include information about these
areas, my main focus has been on
matters of composition, rhetorical strategy
and literary technique. On these
subjects, Mayer has very little to say. That
is a pity, for I feel that in this
sense my book may even be called innovative,
given the fact that philological attention
for De Pallio has invariably been
restricted to textual criticism and Realien.
Of course, I fully accept all relevant
corrections and suggestions as to various
such matters, but I feel sorry that the main
purpose of my book has been passed
over nearly undiscussed.
Much the same goes
for other aspects of the book which
I tried to place in the foreground, such as
the added translation (the first one
in English since many decades) and the
observations on the relation of the text
with contemporary non-christian Second
Sophistic. And not a single word is said
in the review about such matters as the
presentation and punctuation of the text
and the material side of the book (typeface,
layout, cloth), practical aspects
that often remain rather undervalued.
I am sorry that
my book is not the book as Mayer
would have written it, but my main choices
still stand and can be
defended, so I think, and the book has
something to offer to anyone who wishes to
this difficult text. I can only hope that the
BMCR review has attracted the
attention of scholars and readers to the very
existence of the new commentary, and
that future readers will judge for themselves.
Savon in L'Antiquité classique
In L'Antiquité
Classique 75, 2006, 379-381, there is a
detailed review (in French) by
Hervé Savon.
carefully analyses the deliberate choices made
in this book, and discusses some
of their positive effects as well as some
omissions that result from them.
Notably, the book does not elaborately enter the
debate with Frédouille, as S.
would have wished, nor does it provide lists
with all the tropes and figures
used in the text.
The review
ends on a balanced note:
'Il serait
un peu injuste de demander à ce commentaire plus
que ce qu'il veut nous donner.
Dans les limites que l'auteur a tracées
lui-même, et même si certained de ces
interprétations peuvent être contestées, il
représente une contribution
bienvenue à l'élucidation du De Pallio.'
(p. 381)
Turcan in Revue des études augustiniennes
et patristiques
Mrs Turcan,
who prepares a volume on De Pallio in Sources
Chrétiennes, discussed the
book in a full review. Although she has many
comments to make, her overall
assessment is positive. Full text here
(large Word-file)
Czech review by Petr
Kitzler in Listy filologicke
Peter Kitzler wrote a
detailed review of both Turcan's SC edition and
my commentary. The review, in Czech, was
published in Listy Filologicke
131, 3-4, 2008 (see http://lf.clavmon.cz
The author has been so kind
as to translate two passges directly discussing
my book. These fragments follow here (witrh kind
permission of the author).
545f.) "Chronologically the
first book was prepared by Vincent Hunink, the
latinist and teacher at Radboud University in
Nijmegen, who is well known as a creative and
respected translator from Latin (he published
many authors in English, e.g. his commented
editions of Apuleius’ Florida and Pro se de
magia, Oxford 20072; from the
translations into Dutch let’s mention e.g.
Augustine, Petronius, Cicero, Seneca and many
more). His book consists of a short introduction
(pp. 9-27), a Latin text of De pallio
taken without critical apparatus from the
Turnhout’s Corpus, facing English translation,
English commnentary (pp. 67-293), bibliography
(pp. 297-305), index (pp. 306-317) and index
locorum (pp. 318-332).
In spite of a modest tone
which sounds from the Hunink’s preface, his book
is a ground-breaking in many respects. First,
the English translation of De pallio is only the
second translation of this work in English (the
first one was prepared by S. Thelwall for the
collection of Ante-Nicene Christian Library in
1877). With his „rather literal“ translation (p.
11) Hunink tries to make De pallio accessible to
the modern readers as much as he can. He
conceives his introduction as an „essay inviting
the reader to apply himself or herself to this
text“ (p. 12). As Hunink repeats, his main aim
is to pay attention to what Tertullian does with
words, what he means with them and what he wants
to achieve. In the question of dating De pallio
– as far as it can be ascertained at all –
Hunink, although reserved as to express some
explicit statements, tends to the opinion that
this treatise could have been written in the
early phase of Tertullian’s literary activity,
perhaps in 198 or 199. In the matter of genre of
De pallio, Hunink on the contrary does not
hesitate to identify it as an epideictic speech
which was really delivered before audience
(which is rather arguable opinion) and compares
it with Apuleius’ Florida; both works are, in
his opinion, refined rhetorical pieces of the
second Sophistics (p. 17,
22f.). In this light he also
judges the aims of Tertullian’s work: „His aim
was not to convert or to preach, nor to reject
and depreciate existing culture, but rather to
show himself as a man fully able to cope with
the demands of his time, while suggesting his
personal advancement in the sphere of Wisdom“
(p. 24). The main contribution of Hunink’s book
is, of course, the extensive commentary which is
also rather unique in English, together with the
commentary of Salmasius being probably the most
comprehensive commentary published so far.
Although Hunink does not avoid to elucidate
Tertullian’s language and style as well as many
allusions in the text, his commentary is a
literary commentary in the first place which
takes Tertullian’s rhetorical mannerism „at his
word“ and tries to compare it with existing
parallels and to unravel its function as well as
Tertullian’s overall strategy when composing his
(p. 548): "Both books show evidence of
extraordinary erudition of their authors and of
profound knowledge of early Christian and
antique literature and culture alike. This is
especially true of Turcan’s edition whereas
Hunink’s commentary is much more
„non-specialist-user friendly“. It does not need
to be emphasized that both books provide an
indispensible starting point for further
research and that both, one being complementary
to the other, contribute a great deal to a
better understanding of Tertullian’s perhaps
most remarkable work without despoiling it of
its provocativeness."
review by Claudio Moreschini in: Gnomon
2008, 221-225
(A detailed
discussion of the book, which is appreciated and
praised as a full literary commentary on the
text. Some of the basic notions in the
introduction, however, are critically discussed.
The reviewer disagrees on some of these issues.)